Chapter 5
Cody tugged on Daredevil’s reins and nudged him forward. Stretching his arms over his head, he tilted his hat back and closed his eyes against the sun. The warm rays on his back, the rustle of wind in the underbrush, and the moans of a two hundred cattle, he inhaled deeply. The sounds of the open plains were so familiar it was almost music to his ears.
More than twenty years in business, Cody couldn’t complain. The Bentley ranch, fairly profitable, grew in leaps and bounds every year. The land his family owned was huge enough to hold over a thousand cattle at any given time. He learned very early in life that ranching wasn’t a business but a way of life. It required a three hundred and sixty-five day a year obligation. Regardless of the holidays, love, weather, or whatever else, the cattle came first. A family business, everyone contributed their fair share of time and effort which made it a success.
Right now, hot and tired, his body ached. A shower followed by a decent meal sounded like a helluva plan. The trek back to the ranch became slow and arduous. One of the cows chose the wrong time to give birth. If that wasn’t enough, she wandered into a steep ravine. It took the effort of all three of them to calm her then force her up the steep incline, which resulted in immediate labor.
Cody glanced over his shoulder at Reece and scrutinized his face to see how he fared in the blistering heat. His brother cut his arm on a sharp, upended rock while bringing up the cow. The weakness following the blood loss, which refused to stop, gave rise to excessive agitation.
They were grownups, but it scared him shitless when anything happened to his family. He stopped and trotted Daredevil back to his brother’s side. “Reece, we’ve gotta stop. Your arm needs tending.”
“Nope, we ride. I’m good.” Shifting in his saddle, Reece replied with an irritated snort.
“Dammit, Reece, stop being so freakin’ stubborn.”
Reece slid back his hat and grinned. “I learned from the best.” Of the three Bentley brothers, Cody reigned as the champion of stubbornness.
“Get your ass off that saddle now.” Cody dismounted and plodded over to help his brother off his horse. “Let’s check it out.” He untied the makeshift bandage around Reece’s arm and gave it a thorough check. The elongated cut, below the underside of the elbow, sliced through to the bone. “It’s not bleedin’, but it needs washin’ and stitchin’ soon.”
“Told ya, I’m no wimp.” Reece scowled. “Strong as an ox.” He flexed the muscle on his good hand.
“I needed to make sure. We don’t want you losin’ this arm now, do we? With Jace attending medical school and only working part time, I can’t afford to lose you too.” Cody wrapped the bandage once more and then helped Reece back into the saddle.
“One heck of a story for the ladies, huh, Reece?” Dustin, one of the ranch hands, chuckled.
“No ladies for him right now.” Cody mounted Daredevil.
“Hell, it’s just a damned cut.” Reece thumped the saddle in frustration.
Cody shook his head. The youngest of the three men and a perpetual playboy of note, Reece didn’t see any reason to take life seriously. “You’ve lost a lot of blood. You need rest, and your arm needs to heal. No goofing off.” Squinting at his brother, Cody chuckled. Reece knew well enough arguing a health point with him didn’t work. Annoyed, Reece chewed on his beef jerky with open irritation.
The sound of hoof beats resonated over the ground. Cody pushed up on his saddle and greeted the other ranch hands with a shrill whistle as they came into view. Clouds of dust rained down on them. The second herd of cattle joined his herd. “I’m gonna ride on ahead. Wanna get Dr. Mills to the ranch before you reach there. We good?” Cody twisted in his saddle and shouted at his brother over the roar of the noisy cattle.
“I ain’t no baby, bro. I sure as hell could ride, broke arm or not.”
“I’ll see you at the ranch then.” Reining in Daredevil, Cody glanced back one more time then clicked his heels against the horse’s flank and lurched forward in a sprint. As if he sensed his rider’s urgency, Daredevil snorted loudly before picking up speed. While the wind swept through his mane, he seemed to enjoy the challenge of a race and left a trail of dust for the others to follow.
Deborah cruised up to the house and parked outside the entrance. The ranch buzzed with activity. Despite the dust, noise, and utter confusion, Samantha stared enthralled as the ranch hands herded the cattle into the corrals, in perfect harmony. Muscles rippled with weariness while their tails swished in tune with the slight breeze. The horses were beautiful.
After her fifth birthday, her father allowed her to attend the local riding school. While it wasn’t vast open fields like this ranch, the confines of the city equestrian hadn’t stumped her passion to jump on a horse the first chance she got. Crazy as it sounded, the idea of mounting one of these large horses and riding off into the horizon grew steadily.
“There you are, girls.” Freda stepped out onto the porch and distracted Samantha’s wild fantasies. “Reece injured his arm.”
“What?” Deborah shot out of the pickup, her brow puckered in concern.
“Calm down, dear girl.” Freda touched Deborah’s hand lightly. “He’s his dandy self, cut his arm on a rock.”
“Where is he…?” Deborah asked and disappeared into the house.
It amused Samantha that, although her friend had three brothers, being twins, made for a stronger bond between her and Reece.
“Is he okay?” Samantha jumped out and skirted the pickup.
“Come, dear, let’s go inside and see for yourself.” Freda extended an arm to Samantha as they entered the house.
Samantha didn’t want to disturb Reece while he was busy with the doctor. She headed upstairs for a quick shower after Freda announced supper needed another thirty minutes or so. Donning a pair of black denims, a baby blue shirt, and black boots, she pulled her hair into a loose ponytail. Given the heat, she decided against makeup and descended to dinner, humming softly. Back home, dinner was a formal affair where her father demanded etiquette, visitors or not. Vibrant chatter emanated from the living room which ceased when she entered. Reece, Jace, and another male looked up.
Deborah leaped to her feet and looped an arm in hers. “Reece, Jace, you remember Samantha, my college roommate?”
Reece jumped up and shifted his hurt arm with an indifferent grin. “Howdy, darlin’ sure is nice to see you again.”
“Hi yourself, long time.” Samantha kissed his cheek lightly.
Jace rose, nodded shyly, and followed with a bashful smile.
When Deborah guided her to the third male, an impulsive sensation of nerves crept up Samantha’s spine.
“And this charming guy is Chance, our ranch supervisor.”
“Howdy, Samantha. Sure is a pleasure to meet you,” Chance drawled accompanied by an attractive smile. He extended a hand, which Samantha accepted, warming to his touch.
“Hello, Chance. Nice meeting you too.” Her gaze roamed his handsome, lean physique and vibrant hazel eyes with interest. Thank goodness you didn’t call him Cody. Her gaze swept the room as she searched for the missing-in-action brother. Part of her patiently waited to put a face to the brute. Soon, she forgot about Cody as Reece claimed her undivided attention. Several minutes into the discussion, Samantha stood with her back to the living room entrance. Deborah’s soft greeting caught her ear.
“Hey, Cody.”
Slowly, Samantha turned and schooled her features into a polite mask, but shock momentarily widened her eyes…
The floor suddenly morphed into jelly, she forced every effort to stay upright.
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