Daisy - Chapter #5 - Free To Read

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Eli swiped my legs from underneath me and I fell to my knees. He pushed me down onto the floor and dug his knee painfully into my lower back. He pinned my arms to the floor and I gritted my teeth angrily.

Blake crouched down next to me and Eli forced my arm out so Blake could put the band on me. He clipped it on my wrist and I sighed in defeat.

Blake smirked at me and flicked my nose. I glared and struggled in Eli's firm hold. "You can let go of me now," I snapped and started to feel self-conscious as I was certain that my t-shirt has risen and my ass was clearly on show to Eli.

I didn't care about Blake or any of the old team seeing, we'd lived together for a year, and we were close, but I felt slightly awkward with the new team members. Especially Eli.

I didn't want him anywhere near me.

I shoved Eli away from me when he let me up and looked at the band that was secured around my wrist with narrowed eyes.

Blake walked over to a cupboard and pulled out a box full of first aid supplies. "Your bandage needs changing."

I looked down at the bandage wrapped around my thigh and saw the blood patch beginning to grow. I sighed and nodded, jumping up onto the kitchen counter. I slowly unwrapped the bandage and dropped it into the bin.

"I'll do it," Blake said when he saw me reach for a fresh bandage. I shuffled to the edge of the counter and let him bandage up my leg expertly. His hands crept a little higher than was acceptable in public and I slapped his arm.

"Don't," I warned and he smirked at me, running his fingers down the inside of my upper thigh.

"I've already witnessed you fingering Daisy this morning, I don't want to see it again," Mason called and I gaped at how casually he mentioned it in front of the new guys.

"You didn't see shit," Blake said and rolled his eyes.

"The quilt hid nothing," Mason scoffed.

"Well we saw Daisy naked, you turned up a little late to witness that," Jack smirked.

"Damn," Mason chuckled.

"End of conversation!" I said loudly. "You need to learn to knock."

"But where would be the fun in that?" Jack grinned and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to get changed," I said and carefully got off the counter, making sure to put all of my weight onto my good leg. I walked past Eli on the way and landed a punch to his gut. "Do not touch me again," I growled and Eli groaned in pain which earned laughs from all the guys.

I took my time getting up the stairs and I finally went into my room that I hadn't seen in two months. It looked exactly like I had left it, besides the messy bed where the boys had slept in it last night.

I walked over to my wardrobe which still had the majority of my clothes in and freshened up in the bathroom before changing into a pair of grey yoga pants and a loose white crop top. As I was pulling the top over my head my door flew open and Erik looked at me with wide eyes.

"Shit, sorry!" He gasped and I quickly pulled my top down completely.

"Get out, you peeping Tom!" I yelled and Erik held his hands up.

"I wasn't creeping!" He said. "Shit, Daisy, sorry. I'm gay, I promise I'm not being a creep!"

"You scared the shit out of me," I muttered and crossed my arms over my chest. "I assume you wanted something?"

"Oh yeah, I left my laptop back at the old house. The guys said I could borrow yours in the meantime?"

"Did they know?" I said and walked over to the window sill where I had left my laptop the day I left. "Just take it." I handed it to Erik who smiled at me. "It's not like I'm going to be doing much with this on," I said and raised my wrist.

"I got caught hacking into secure servers once," Erik admitted. "I had one of those on for a month as a punishment. It stops you from doing literally anything. I went on Instagram on my phone and got blocked out."

"Wonderful," I said sarcastically.

"Thanks for the laptop," Erik nodded.

I shrugged my shoulders and he walked out of my room. I sighed and tied my hair up and grabbed a magazine before heading back downstairs.

I made my way into the kitchen where all the guys were still and put the kettle on, grabbing a mug out of the cupboard.

"We need food," I said to no one in particular.

"That's your job," Jack said. "You always do the shopping."

"I guess it sucks I'm on house arrest then," I shrugged and made myself a mug of coffee. "I'll even write a bloody list, but someone is going to buy food today."

"I've got to go to the Agency today," Blake shrugged. "I'm out."

"I'll go," Oli said.

"I'll come with you," Erik said, looking up from my laptop.

"Sorted," I said and took a sip of the steaming black coffee.

"I'm going to get ready then I'm going to the Agency," Blake announced and walked out of the room. I grabbed my magazine from the side and made my way into the lounge, taking a seat on the sofa with my coffee.

Not long after Carter joined me along with Tom, Hampson, Mason, Jack, and sadly Eli.

"Hey," Tom said, taking a seat beside me.

I glanced up and nodded and then looked back at my magazine.

"I wanted to apologize for, you know... The whole kidnapping thing," he said.

"Don't sweat it," I shrugged. "You hardly contributed."

"So you don't hate me?" He asked. "I just thought since you and Eli don't get along-"

"Eli is a dipshit. I'm fine with you," I said and Eli glared at me.

"Fuck off," he snapped.

"This is my house, you can fuck off back to yours if you want," I said.

"At least I'm allowed to leave," Eli said smugly. "You've got eyes watching your every move. Even your own father doesn't trust you."

"Don't talk about what you know fuck all about!" I warned. "Do not talk about my dad!"

"I think it's pretty clear what your relationship with him is like," Eli shrugged. He had an evil glint in his eye and his smug smile made him look like he had just won the jackpot. He had figured out what riled me up the wrong way. The guys all knew not to discuss my father much with me.

It was not a subject I was happy talking about.

"Shut up," I snapped.

"He barely glanced at you earlier," Eli carried on and I saw Mason and Jack glance warily at me. "And yesterday in his office, he didn't even seem relieved to see that you were okay."

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled and bolted up from my seat, but Mason and Jack were prepared and they blocked me before I could reach Eli. "Let me through! I'm going to rip his intestines out and hang him with them!"

"Calm down, sweetheart!" Mason snapped. "You know he's just saying that to wind you up. Back down!"

"Let her at me," Eli urged and I tried to break through Mason and Jack but they held me back.

"I'll kill you!" I screamed and Eli smirked.

"Fucking hell, what's got her so pissed?" Oli called, poking his head round the kitchen door.

"Eli," Mason grunted and he winced when I elbowed him in the face.

"You mention her dad?" Oli wondered.

"I may have," Eli nodded and I glared at him.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

"Fuck, dude, she goes ape shit when someone talks shit about her and her dad," Oli muttered.

"I think we've figured that out," Tom said.

"What the hell is going on?" Blake yelled as he walked down the stairs.

"Fucking help control her!" Mason hissed and Blake walked over to me and easily picked me up and flung me over his shoulder.

"Blake, let me go!" I yelled and I winced when my head hit the wall as Blake roughly put me down and shoved me up against the wall. He pinned my arms above my head and held me firmly in place. Our bodies were flush against each other and I angrily looked up at him. "I want to kill him. Slowly and painfully."

"What happened?" Blake asked calmly.

"Started talking shit about Rob," I growled.

Blake sighed and rolled his eyes. "You two don't like each other, I get that, Dais, but you get angry so easily, of course, he's going to wind you up about topics that affect you. You need to learn to ignore it."

"You're not even going to stand up for me!" I hissed.

Blake laughed. "Daisy, You are the last person that needs defending."

"I want him gone."

"We're a team."

"Does it look like a give a shit?" I snapped.

"Daisy, you are going to calm down and when I let go you are not going to do anything stupid," Blake said sternly.

"Define stupid," I said and Blake smirked.

"Promise me you'll be calm?"

"Pinky promise," I said sarcastically and Blake slowly started to loosen his hold on me.

As soon as he took a step backward I lunged in the direction of Eli, but I didn't get far before Blake slammed me back against the wall.

"Daisy!" Blake yelled and suddenly his lips were on mine. I responded immediately and kissed him back eagerly. Blake's tongue ran across my lip and I opened my mouth, meeting my tongue with his.

Blake pulled away after a few minutes and I gasped softly, the kiss leaving me breathless.

"You calmer?" Blake said and I nodded and he kissed me again before stepping back. "If you even step in Eli's direction I will tie you to your bed upstairs, am I clear?"

I gritted my teeth and barged over Blake's shoulder as I walked past him. I took a seat on the sofa next to Tom and glared daggers at Eli.

"You're not going to attack me are you?" Tom said cautiously, but his tone was teasing.

"No," I muttered and Jack and Mason retreated to their seats.

"Right, well I'm off to the Agency," Blake said.

"You're going to leave an angry Daisy with us? We can't exactly go up and make out with her if she gets angry again," Jack said and Blake raised his eyebrows at me.

"You're not going to flip out are you?" He said and smirked. "Because if you do then I'm not going to even touch you for at least a couple of months."

"That's your threat?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Yep," Blake nodded. "So I guess the question is: do you want me to fuck you tonight or not?"











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