Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Dark, soulless eyes stole her breath. The cup of much needed coffee Dina Wright purchased seconds ago crashed to the floor, the hot liquid splashing her naked ankles.
Two feet in front of her, a man blocked her path to the bathroom. The man himself wasn’t what sent fear slamming down her spine, but the scarf that covered the lower half of his face and the menacing eyes did.
Her mind reeled with the reporter’s warning from the morning news. “A human trafficking ring is active in New York City.” Adrenaline spiked, kicking her feet into action. She tore out of the coffeehouse into the blinding sunlight and raced up the sidewalk toward the crosswalk. Trembling, and with scattered thoughts, she searched for a place to hide.
People combed the sidewalks and cars zipped past on the street. Nothing to hide behind. Panic pounding in her ears, she rounded the corner, pressed her back and hands against the rough brick surface, and sucked in the hot, humid air. Inaudible chattering surrounded her. The hum of engines passed.
Sucking in a deep breath to quiet the beating of her heart and the panic in her lungs, she reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out her worry beads.
If she’d only listened to the rest of the report before heading out for her morning jog, she’d know the assailant’s description and if her gut instinct was accurate or, playing games on her.
Grasping the sharp edge of the mortar as if it would protect her, she peeked around the corner to the entrance to Café Coffees. Patrons entered and exited the coffeehouse, nothing unusual.
A hand grasped her shoulder.
The fear returned, slamming into her with a momentum of a descending rollercoaster. She spun, the beads flew out of her hand, and she lifted a knee. Missed her intended target and twisted to run.
“Wait!” A male pleaded from behind as a hand clamped her wrist, jerking her to a stop.
Every instinct screamed the Caffeine Junkie had her. Readying to break bad on him, she balled her fist and whirled.
He caught her striking arm’s wrist and nailed her with a determined glare. “I won’t hurt you.”
Dual facts seeped into her frightened brain: the soothing tenor of his voice, and the fact he wore business clothes.
“I tried to get your attention, but you didn’t answer,” he said, drawing imaginary circles on her wrist with his thumb.
She blinked and gazed into familiar bluish-gray eyes. Her racing pulse slowed to a trot. The fright that had slammed through her body vanished.
The wind lifted his dark hair and rested a lock on his forehead.
“If I let go, will you attack me?” he asked, arching a brow, a humorous tone to his words. Testosterone oozed from him, his masculine scent traveled straight to her limbic brain. In tennis shoes, she stood just above his shoulder, putting him at six foot.
“Can you hear me?” The caress on her wrist continued.
To punch someone for getting her attention seemed like the makings of a crazy woman. “Um…someone…” She glanced over her shoulder, debating whether to tell him what had scared her, and decided to just answer his question. “I won’t.”
The warmth of his hand disappeared. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“You didn’t. I mean…” She drifted off and didn’t finish. For a year she wanted the opportunity to get close to him. Now that she was, she fumbled over her words, so unlike the pitches she gave for a living. She needed to explain her hasty actions. “Someone else did.”
His eyebrows rose then shot downward. “Where?”
Now, she felt foolish for acting so hasty. The person hadn’t been there when she looked. Clearly, the soulless-eyed man wasn’t who she thought he was.
He stuffed his hands in his pockets, walked to the corner, and surveyed the area while she studied his profile. His lips tightened. The smooth skin at the corners of his eyes crinkled from concentration. Under his button-down shirt, the hard planes of his muscles bulged.
Having lived in the same apartment building as him for a year, she hadn’t learned much about him, only that he was a successful business man. The expensive suits gave it away.
“I didn’t see anyone lingering,” he said, when he returned.
She nodded. “I didn’t either.”
He stood there, waiting for an explanation. Considering she’d almost kicked him in the—jewels—she owed him one. “In the coffee shop, I needed to use…” She stopped. Telling him she had to use the bathroom would embarrass her and really had no importance. She waved a hand. “Um, there’s a man inside…he made me nervous…the way he glowered at me.”
He edged closer, invading her space, concern creasing his features. “Could you see the rest of his face?”
“No. A scarf and cap hid it. But his eyes…”
He lifted his head slightly as if what she said gave him caution, too. “His eyes?”
Would he believe her when she said they looked ice cold, a killer’s eyes? “After I finished my jog—”
His perusal of her clothes stopped her from continuing.
“Go on,” he said, meeting her gaze. His voice was gentle and totally alluring.
The care coming from him, this almost complete stranger, touched her. “A reporter mentioned a trafficking ring. When I saw his dark eyes, I...” What had she done? “...panicked.” Putting into words how she came to her conclusion made her feel foolish. She should have kept her mouth shut. The ordeal was probably conceived in her mind. “I’m sorry. My imagination gets away from me at times.” Humiliation settled in, heating her chest and face. “I should go. Thank you for wanting to help.”
He repositioned his body, stopping her. “We know each other.”
A statement more than a question. She smiled.
“I’ve wanted to meet you for some time,” he said, his voice dropping an octave, becoming even more appealing, if that was possible.
A lump lodged in her throat. She wasn’t afraid, but intrigued. “Yeah?”
“Would you—”
Loud voices caught his attention. He paused and peered over his shoulder.
The pedestrian light had changed. A crowd crossed the city street toward them. She backed to the wall, out of the way. Like a flock of birds covering an open space, people filled the narrow sidewalk.
He had no choice but to shift out of their way, closer to her.
Again, his scent enclosed around her. She blinked and tried to calm the tug low in her body.
Someone knocked into him, shoving him forward.
He pressed his left hand against the wall, essentially, caging her in, yet she didn’t feel trapped. She felt desired.
“Sorry,” he said and looked over his shoulder at the crowd dissipating before turning back toward her.
The air stilled. His gaze roamed over her face. She wondered what he saw, what he thought.
She wanted to say, “No problem. I understand,” but her voice disappeared. Her mind created images of him lowering his head to kiss her.
The hue in his eyes darkened and his pupils widened.
An internal fire spread across her face. Her complexion had to have turned bright pink. Not sure what to do, she nibbled on her lip.
He stepped backwards and dragged a hand over his face.
Disappointment that he didn’t play out her fantasy stung, like a slap to her pride. She squeezed her lids shut. The past surfaced. Her ex’s adultery would forever haunt her. Did this man, who almost asked her out, see a flaw in her the same as Preston had and decide to back away?
Suddenly, her senses went on hyper alert and she opened her eyes.
He moved even closer, a puzzled expression in his features. Seconds ticked by and she thought she’d scream from wanting to feel his touch.
Eyes locked on hers, he caressed his hands over her face until settling his palms on her cheeks. Anticipation and excitement flowed through her from the top of her head to her toes. She had to feel him.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered a second before pressing his lips to hers.
A burst of pleasure flew through her body. When he slid his tongue along the seam of her lips, she opened, inviting him in. With the first brush of his tongue over hers, an unknown feeling overcame her. As if every nerve cell awoke, her body bonded with his. The sensation slammed through her like a tidal wave.
A low groan vibrated from him. He lowered his hands, his fingers gently touching the curve of her neck.
She leaned into him, pressing her breasts against his chest, wanting to feel more.
He sucked her bottom lip between his, then released. “You’re amazing.” Hot breath and eyes traveled over her skin before his mouth returned to hers.
Her heart raced to keep up with the wild, intense feeling rocking her body. She couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe. The passion rioting through her took all her energy to not strip and press her naked body against his.
He backed away. Immediately, she felt the loss and searched his face for answers.
“We’re on the street,” he panted, his voice sounding frustrated. “I didn’t mean to…I’ve been…”
She didn’t know what to make of him dousing their passion so quickly, easily. “It’s okay.”
Hands on his hips, he shook his head. “No, it’s not. I shouldn’t have.” He paused. “I have a meeting to get to. I’m already late.”
The noticeable bulge behind the zipper of his dress slacks said he had a hard time backing away. “I understand.”
He shook his head, staring at their surroundings, before snapping his gaze back to her. “No. You don’t.”
She hated when people told her what she did or didn’t know. Preston was famous for it. Ready to tell him so, he slid his thumb gently over her bottom lip, stopping her.
“Just one more taste.” His voice strained as if any moment he’d self-combust. He tugged her against him and claimed her mouth, pressing his hardness into her abdomen and sending spikes of fire through her veins.
Breathtaking, mouth-watering, heart throb.
Again, he edged away, frustration marring his brow. “I have to go. Can I give you a ride?”
The sudden change in his demeanor and tone of his voice sent a twinge of disappointment in the form of an ache to her chest. “No, thank you.”
“Okay,” he said, hesitated for a moment, then without another word walked away.
Chapter auto-unlock