Alpha Ren - Chapter #3 - Free To Read

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


This isn’t going to be easy.

Boat’s come in from Ren’s island four times a day, I’ve come to notice in these past few weeks. One glides in early in the morning as I wake, another just before lunchtime breaks. Late afternoon, as patrons sip their tea and enjoy the sight of the lake, another boat finds itself in the dock. The last one often arrives just as we are closing up for the day, once the sun has fallen and night has consumed the lake.

That’s the time I plan to smuggle onto the boat. When Linda has left, and I’m expected to lock up for the night.

My desperation to get onto the boat has lead to an obsession. The curiosity of what Ren’s island might involve mixed with the poor amount of pay I receive, which barely has covered the cost of new shoes recently.

Raven is no longer interested. I first pitched the idea to her two weeks ago. She has shook her head and told me to be quiet. I was, for a day and a half. Then I approached her again. She quickly informed me her mother was sick, and she had no other choice but to stay here and look after her. I promised I would be back to help her.

Today is the day I escape.

I wrote out a note for Linda this morning. I had to apologise for leaving her like this, but I have no other choice. Not when life may be better on Ren’s island. Of course, I don’t know these things, but I have no other idea how to make things better.

I’ve immaculately created my plan for tonight.

Linda will leave me with the key and wish me goodnight, just after the boat arrives. Instead of locking the heavy double doors the close the main section of the docks outside from the inside, I’ll peer out the small window near the ceiling to make sure the captain and his crew have removed themselves before I sneak out. Once I’m on the ship, I’ll hide until they depart an hour later, and reach the island.

From there, I haven’t got a plan. Within my mind, Ren’s island is a mystery surrounded in fog, an unknown yet to be explored.

But regardless, I’m excited.

“Someone’s happy,” Linda notices while I was wiping the last table for the night. For a moment, my heart skips, wondering if she figured it out, that I’m escaping tonight. “Have you met someone?”

I startle. “Oh...No, I’m only really ever at work.”

Linda has that suspicious smile on her face, as if she’s watching me lie right in front of her. I know she believes I go out at nights and drink like Raven does. That couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m either too exhausted, planning out my escape to Ren’s island, or the idea seems repulsive. Especially when Raven comes to work in the morning complaining about a headache and spending too long in the bathroom.

“You know, I have had a few customers compliment you on your kindness, on your appearance,” Linda tells me, walking over to help me stack the chairs on the table. “I think you’re one of the favourites.”

I shake my head at her, as if to hide my blush. “Hardly.”

“Well it’s true,” Linda says, taking a chair off me to prop it on top of another. “Most Loyalty Pack members eyes always turn out hazel at birth. The fact that you got green was pretty lucky.”

I wouldn’t say luck had anything to do with it, but I don’t say anything. Mother always told me my eyes were my selling point. For that, I almost resent them. Anything involving her I’m spiteful about. I can’t help it.

“You’re kind, Linda,” is all I reply.

She grabs both my shoulders in her hands, forcing me to look at her. “Maybe if you find someone, it might help you get out of this impossible situation you’re in. It would be good for you. You deserve someone as sweet as you, my girl.”

There’s no chance of that; not with my current plans. I wouldn’t tell her that. Not after all she has done for me. When I come back from the island, I’m going to bring her back something. Whether it be money, or something else. I won’t forget about how she brought me in without any need to.

“If I were looking for someone, maybe,” I say simply, holding my palm out for the keys to lock up.

“Have a good night then,” she says, placing them in my hand.

I watch her go, before going about my usual routine. Lock the front and back doors, all the windows, and make sure the lights are shut off. Then, with quiet footsteps, I drag a step ladder to the window, clambering on top of it to gaze out.

The boat I’ll be smuggling onto is tied to the dock outside, swaying back and forth on the gentle waves. It’s not as impressive as the mid day boat, which is always the public’s biggest spectacle. It’s rather small, although I’m guessing there will be enough room at the back for me. The boat brings staff back to the main island for the night, so as it heads back, it will be emptier than before.

The dock seems empty, moonlight peeking out from behind the clouds streaming over the water lapped boards. The waves aren’t too high tonight, which is a relief. I’m not sure how adept my sea legs would prove to be.

I’ve decided not to bring luggage. It will only accelerate my chances of being seen. Who knows what will be on the island for me, but I need to get their first.

And right now, I might have my chance.

Slowly pushing the wide double doors open that separate the restaurant from the docks, I peek my head out first. Checking both ways, the dock is abandoned, the captain clearly taking a break in their separate quarters. I was never allowed in their; it was always Raven sent to give them refreshments.

The air that greets me is balmy, the overcast weather above me trapping today’s heat in. I made sure, regardless, to pile on as many clothes as I could. That way, maybe I would have a few spare when we get to the island.

I look out into the harbour. No other boats are out at this time. Ren has always kept the lake clear at night by law.

The ship, or rather, the boat, has a small cabin at the front, which I make a note to avoid. The back is exposed to the night, however, as I get closer, I catch sight of a small covered area underneath the raised cabin that I might have luck hiding under.

My luck suddenly changed at the sound of voices.

Whirling around, I catch sight of two figures approaching from the other end of the dock, masked by the night. The only people prohibited out here are the captain and his crew, or any others who assist in ship maintenance and so forth. Which means if I don’t get on the boat soon, I’m doomed.

Crouching down, I reach over a short body of water to the edge of the boat, staring down at it worriedly. I imagine it being shallow, but at this time of night, I don’t know how I feel about taking a dip.

As silent as I can manage, I sneak on the boat, one leg at a time, pushing my body onto the rocky boat.

Seats line the edge of the boat, for whoever is prohibited to be sent back from the island. I ignore those, trotting quickly to the area of the boat concealed by night, and the cabin above me. With the two figures approaching, I find myself stepping over the chest which I assume houses boat paraphernalia.

I just sunk uncomfortably behind it, when I could clearly hear the voices.

“Better get back,” one of them says, voice gruff and tired. “Ren will be closing off his dock soon. There’s talk he’s going to start doing it earlier.”

Another replies. “Another way to isolate himself further from his Pack, huh.”

My interest peaks at their conversation. Any chance to learn something new about Ren intrigues me. When I’m on the island, I plan to avoid him at all costs. I’m sure he is aware of his staff, and I don’t want him sending me back here. Either that, or he might arrest me. Then I’ll never escape this Pack.

“You know what he’s like,” the gruff voice mutters dismissively. I can feel their weight as they begin removing the binds keeping the boat to the dock.

There’s an irritated sigh from the other. “That’s the point. We don’t know him at all.”

I frown.

“Look, it’s not up to us what happens. Like I said, I best get going. I can’t be late, if I want to get this ship into the docks. I got a mate waiting for me at home,” gruff voice says, and with that, their conversation end.

It’s a relief. We’re leaving, which means Ren’s island is about to finally become my own.











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